In a previous post we announced that during the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2020), the UAS4T Competition organized by the IEEE ITSS Technical Activities Sub-Committee “Transportation 5.0” would utilize the πNEUMA dataset.
The teams had the chance to get familiar with the πNEUMA sample dataset and after almost a month of preparations 10 of them submitted their results, reports and codes.
Each of the questions set, formed a criterion for the evaluation of each team’s results in each of the 3 areas of interest. For each criterion, the Absolute Percent Error was calculated, based on the true values for each question. Then a ranking was assigned to each team based on the performance in each criterion.

The Top 3 Teams presented their work, in a UAS4T Competition dedicated session. Then, the Organizing Committee announced the winner during the Closing Ceremony of the IEEE ITSC 2020.
Congratulation to Virginia Tech for winning this first UAS4T competition!
The codes, reports and other material from the teams can be found here.