A new paper was published in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment entitled “Empirical investigation of the emission-macroscopic fundamental diagram co-authored by LUTS members and Prof. Gonzales from University of Massachussets Amherts, USA. Highlights We analyse vehicle emissions in a multi-modal urban area using the pNEUMA dataset. EPA’s microscopic emission model, project level MOVES is implemented. We investigate aggregated…
After an amazing collaboration with the group of Dr. Ludovic Leclercq at Univ. Gustave Eiffel, a new paper was published in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies entitled “Empirical observations of multi-modal network-level models: Insights from the pNEUMA experiment”. Highlights Multimodal regressions are defined for mean speed with respect to accumulations or stop durations (two-fluid models). A Macroscopic traffic states analysis…