Tag: conference

Posts related to scientific publications in scientific conferences.

Multi-agent Signal-less Intersection Management with Dynamic Platoon Formation

A paper by Phuriwat Worrawichaipat, Enrico H. Gerding, Ioannis Kaparias and Sarvapali Ramchurn was presented in AAMAS 2023 entitled “Multi-agent Signal-less Intersection Management with Dynamic Platoon Formation”. The paper that was presented in the Innovative Applications and is utilizing the pNEUMA dataset to validate and evaluate their work on signal-less traffic control. Abstract We propose a novel mechanism to manage…

Using pNEUMA to monitor and assess the behavior of Freight Vehicles

A paper by Allister Loder, Thomas Otte and Klaus Bogenberger was published inTransportation Research Record entitled “Using Large-Scale Drone Data to Monitor and Assess the Behavior of Freight Vehicles on Urban Level”. The authors utilise the pNEUMA dataset to monitor and assess the behaviour of freight vehicles, focusing on the way their stopping behaviour affects traffic flow. Highlights Urban freight…

UAS4T Competition results and codes

In a previous post we announced that during the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2020), the UAS4T Competition organized by the IEEE ITSS Technical Activities Sub-Committee “Transportation 5.0” would utilize the πNEUMA dataset. The teams had the chance to get familiar with the πNEUMA sample dataset and after almost a month of preparations 10 of…

Map-matching using pNEUMA

In July 2020, Mr. Joachim Landtmeters, MSc student from KU Leuven, successfully conducted the defence of his thesis titled “Analyzing mixed urban traffic by linking large scale trajectory dataset to underlying network”. Mr. Landtmeters had the opportunity to develop a tool to easily get traffic characteristics at any location in the network through a map-matching approach and to analyze multimodal urban…

Greenshields Prize for pNEUMA paper

This year’s prestigious 2020 Greenshields Prize was awarded to Emmanouil Barmpounakis, Guillaume Sauvin and Nikolas Geroliminis, authors of the article “Lane Detection and Lane-Changing Identification with High-Resolution Data from a Swarm of Drones”. The paper is one the first that utilizes pNEUMA to describe a first methodological approach to extract lane-specific information from this new kind of data and set the benchmark for…