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Using pNEUMA to calibrate car-following models

A paper by Yifan Zhang, Xinhong Chen, Jianping Wang, Zuduo Zheng, Kui Wu was published inTransportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies entitled “A generative car-following model conditioned on driving styles”. The authors utilise the pNEUMA dataset to calibrate an intelligent Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) with time-varying parameters and train the neural process (NP)-based model. Highlights Abstract Car-following (CF) modeling, an…

Using pNEUMA to monitor and assess the behavior of Freight Vehicles

A paper by Allister Loder, Thomas Otte and Klaus Bogenberger was published inTransportation Research Record entitled “Using Large-Scale Drone Data to Monitor and Assess the Behavior of Freight Vehicles on Urban Level”. The authors utilise the pNEUMA dataset to monitor and assess the behaviour of freight vehicles, focusing on the way their stopping behaviour affects traffic flow. Highlights Urban freight…

High Time-Resolution Queue Profile Estimation at Signalized Intersections Based on Extended Kalman Filtering

A very interesting paper has been published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems entitled “High Time-Resolution Queue Profile Estimation at Signalized Intersections Based on Extended Kalman Filtering” utilising the pNEUMA dataset.. The authors from Zhejiang University, Aalto University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, used both simulated and real-world data to evaluate the performance of their methodology. Highlights A…